International Educational Review

A Bibliometric Review on Realistic Mathematics Education Database Between 2000-2022

International Educational Review, Volume 1, Issue 1, April 2023, pp. 25-39
OPEN ACCESS VIEWS: 1473 DOWNLOADS: 688 Publication date: 15 May 2023
Although there is a high demand for approaches to teaching "real mathematics" today, little is known about its current state. To bridge this gap, this research aims to review 506 studies on the transmission of "real mathematics" from the Scopus database between 2000 and 2022This study tackles four issues using descriptive and bibliometric analyses: (i) overall size, growth trajectory, and geographic distribution; (ii) most significant authors and research teams in this subject; and (iii) sources with the most sway in this field (i.e., journals, books, conferences); and (iv) how many of the research papers written for the RME method are focused on the impact of students on their results.
bibliometrics, mathematics education, mathematics in context, real mathematics, Scopus.
Kaymak, S., Maksutkan, B., & Yildiz, F. (2023). A Bibliometric Review on Realistic Mathematics Education Database Between 2000-2022. International Educational Review, 1(1), 25-39.
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