International Educational Review

Applications and Learning Outcomes of Game Based Learning in Education

International Educational Review, Volume 2, Issue 1, April 2024, pp. 25-54
OPEN ACCESS VIEWS: 2831 DOWNLOADS: 1506 Publication date: 15 Apr 2024
Game-based learning (GBL) is considered the most engaging means of learning and brings several benefits as regards the learning outputs. Game-based learning is applied in all different educational stages from pre-school education to tertiary education, and workplace. This review study discusses and extends previous findings by organizing the application of GBL approaches in different educational stages and presenting the main learning outcomes. The review study collects and analyzes 104 scientific papers ranging from 2013-2021. The benefits and limitations of GBL are also discussed in the paper, while different types of games including augmented reality (AR) approaches are considered. According to the findings, in primary and secondary education, GBL demonstrates a positive impact on learning outcomes and engagement, enhancing students' understanding of complex concepts and fostering real-world application of learned knowledge. While GBL in tertiary education facilitates deeper understanding, critical thinking, and skill development, its implementation requires careful design and evaluation aligned with learning objectives. The study also explores various types of GBL games, including memory, simulation, interactive, quiz, puzzle, strategy, and reality-testing games, each tailored to different educational objectives and subjects. Furthermore, Augmented Reality (AR) in GBL shows promise across subjects but faces challenges like technical limitations, training needs, privacy concerns, potential distractions, and a lack of comprehensive research on its efficacy. Overall, while GBL demonstrates considerable potential in enhancing education, its successful implementation requires careful consideration of age-appropriateness, varied game types, and integration of emerging technologies like AR.
Augmented Reality Game-Based Learning, Game-Based Learning, GBL in primary school, GBL in preschool education, Learning outputs
Mikrouli, P., Tzafilkou, K., & Protogeros, N. (2024). Applications and Learning Outcomes of Game Based Learning in Education. International Educational Review, 2(1), 25-54.
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