International Educational Review

Racialized Mathematics Learning Experiences of Black Undergraduate Students

International Educational Review, Volume 1, Issue 1, April 2023, pp. 41-55
OPEN ACCESS VIEWS: 1667 DOWNLOADS: 1017 Publication date: 15 Apr 2023
The mathematics learning experiences of Black students in undergraduate programs present particularities that are not common to all undergraduate students. The challenges Black students encounter in their post-secondary programs reflect issues in the university environment that can significantly impact their experiences. These issues involve different domains and deserve full attention. This review manuscript addresses the emergent themes in the literature on the racialized mathematics learning experiences of Black undergraduate students. Research databases, ranging from 2015 to 2022, were examined using keywords that addressed mathematics, racism, undergraduate students, and Black students’ learning experiences. Canadian, United States, and international research was analyzed, and five emergent themes were identified in the literature: Mathematics Achievement, Social Political Perspectives, Stereotype Threat, Identity, and Microaggressions.
mathematics, racialized learning experiences, Black students, undergraduate students
Correa, P. D., & Oloo, J. A. (2023). Racialized Mathematics Learning Experiences of Black Undergraduate Students. International Educational Review, 1(1), 41-55.
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