International Educational Review

The Effect of Job-embedded Professional Development on Teacher and Student Outcomes: A Multi-Level Meta-Analysis

International Educational Review, Volume 1, Issue 1, April 2023, pp. 1-23
OPEN ACCESS VIEWS: 2399 DOWNLOADS: 1547 Publication date: 15 Apr 2023
The aim of this meta-analysis was to analyze the experimental research into the effects of job-embedded professional development (JEPD) for teachers and student outcomes. Our meta-analysis of experimental studies of the effects JEPD, included 20 studies (with 79 experimental comparisons) at teacher level and 19 studies at student level (with 34 experimental comparisons). Analyses of the studies, representing 2,062 teachers and 21,425 students, revealed a significant, medium-to-large effect size at teacher level (ES= 0.699, SE= 0.092) and a significant medium effect at student level (ES = 0.523, SE= 0.137). Effects for teachers were smaller in studies with a large sample size. Effects for students were positively related to the length of the intervention. The positive outcomes at teacher and student level support the implementation and expansion of JEPD programs across schools.
professional development, job-embedded professional development, student achievement, meta-analysis.
Balta, N., Fukkink, R., & Amendum, S. J. (2023). The Effect of Job-embedded Professional Development on Teacher and Student Outcomes: A Multi-Level Meta-Analysis. International Educational Review, 1(1), 1-23.
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