Towards an Integrated Model for Orienting Preservice Science Teachers for 21st-Century Teaching
International Educational Review, Online-First Articles, pp. 1-19
OPEN ACCESS VIEWS: 378 DOWNLOADS: 261 Publication date: 15 Apr 2025
OPEN ACCESS VIEWS: 378 DOWNLOADS: 261 Publication date: 15 Apr 2025
This conceptual paper builds the case for orienting preservice science teachers for 21st-century teaching on a footing of Miller et al. (2013) framework for science teacher preparation called the Model of Research-Based Education for Teachers (MORE for Teachers). MORE for Teachers frames science teacher preparation as anchored on four pillars: in-depth subject matter, research-based science teaching methods, guided practicum, and a shared vision of the pedagogy of science learning. Based on the limitations of Miller et al.'s linear model yet still maintaining the value of its central tenets the paper proposes a model that is interactive and framing standards in science teaching, curriculum development, rigorous content, research-based science methods course, and quality field experiences as the essential aspects for producing teacher candidates with the right skills for science teaching. The paper argues that pre-service science teachers (PSTs) development in teacher education colleges and universities requires a framework for harmonization that ensures consideration of all the necessary ingredients for science teacher preparation. Drawing on a diversity of literature sources on science teacher education the paper discusses the application of the proposed model in Zimbabwe, illustrating the importance of detailed methods courses, rigorous science content, expert mentoring, personal teaching philosophy, and a consideration of international trends in science teaching. In conclusion, the paper recommends other contexts in which the integrated model for science teacher preparation can be used and some steps for its practical implementation.
integrated STEM teaching, integrated knowledge systems, hybrid laboratories, rigorous content knowledge, research-based science pedagogy
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